Petroleum and Resid Chemistry
Shi, Q., Zhang, Y., Chung, K.H., Zhao, S. and Xu, C., “Molecular Characterization of Fossil and Alternative Fuels Using Electrospray Ionization Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry: Recent Advances and Perspectives”, Energy & Fuels, 2021, 35: 18019-18055.
Zheng, F., Chung, W., Palmisano, E., Dong, D., Shi, Q., Xu, Z., and Chung, K.H., “Molecular Characterization of Polar Heteroatom Species in Oilsands Bitumen-Derived Vacuum Residue Fractions by Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry”, Petroleum Science, 2019, 16: 1196-1207.
Tang, Z., Yuan, B., Zheng, S., Chung, K.H. and Shi, Q., “Determine Trace Amounts of Organic Acids Causing Refinery Corrosion”, Hydrocarbon Publishing, December 2017, 85-86.
Shi, Q., Wang, J., Zhou, X., Xu, C., Zhao, S. and Chung, K.H., “Ruthenium Ion-Catalyzed Oxidation for Petroleum Molecule Structural Features: A review”, Structure and Bonding, 2016, 168: 71–92.
Wang, M., Zhao, S., Chung, K.H., Xu., C. and Shi, Q., “Approach for Selective Separation of Thiophenic and Sulfidic Sulfur Compounds from Petroleum by Methylation/Demethylation”, Anal. Chem., 2015, 87: 1083-1088.
Shi, Q., Zhang, H., Xu, C., Zhao, S. and Chung, K.H., “Progress and Prospect on Petroleum Analysis by Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry”, Scientia Sinica Chimica, 2014, 44 (5): 694-700.
Zhang, L., Zhao, S., Xu, Z., Chung, K.H., Zhao, C., Zhang, N., Xu, C. and Shi, Q., “Molecular Weight and Aggregation of Heavy Petroleum Fractions Measured by Vapor Pressure Osmometry and a Hindered Stepwise Aggregation Model”, Energy & Fuels, 2014, 28: 6179−6187.
Shi, Q., Xu, C., Zhao, S., Chung, K. H., Zhang, Y. and Gao, W., “Characterization of Basic Nitrogen Species in Coker Gas Oils by Positive-Ion Electrospray Ionization Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry”, Energy & Fuels, 2010, 24(1), 563-569.
Zhao, S., Sparks, B.D., Kotlyar, L.S. and Chung, K.H., “Correlation of Processability and Reactivity Data for Residua from Bitumen, Heavy Oils and Conventional Crudes: Characterization of fractions from supercritical pentane separation as a guide to process selection”, Catalysis Today, 2007, 125(3-4), 122-136.
Chung, K.H. and Xu, C., “Narrow-cut Characterization Reveals Resid Processing Chemistry”, Fuel, 2001, 80 (8), 1165.
Chung, K.H., Xu, C., Hu, Y. and Wang, R., "Supercritical Fluid Extraction Reveals Resid Properties", Oil & Gas J., January 20, 1997, 95 (3), 66.
Petroleum and Resid Processing Technology
Zhao, R., Chung, W., Tang, Z., Yuan, B., Xu, Z., Zhao, S., and Chung, K.H., "Increasing Resid Processing Flexibility", PTQ, Third Quarter 2018, 37-40.
Yuan, B., Tang, Z., Chung, K.H., Wei, Q., Sun, X., Zhao, S. and Xu, C., “Asphaltenes Extraction Treatment Yields Advantaged Hydroprocessing Feedstock”, Oil & Gas J., June 6, 2016, 70-77.
Zhang, T., Zhang, L., Zhou, Y., Wei, Q., Chung, K.H., Zhao, S., Xu, C. and Shi, Q., “Transformation of Nitrogen Compounds in Deasphalted Oil Hydrotreating: Characterized by Electrospray Ionization Fourier Transform-Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry”, Energy & Fuels, 2013, 27: 2952−2959.
Zhao, S., Xu, C., Sun, X., Xu, Z., Chung, K.H. and Xiang, Y., “China Refinery Tests Asphaltenes Extraction Process”, Oil & Gas J., April 5, 2010, 108 (12).
Chung, K.H., Xu, Z., Sun, X., Zhao, S. and Xu, C., “Asphaltene Removal from Heavy Oil”, PTQ, Fourth Quarter 2006, 99.
Yang, C., Du, F., Zheng, H. and Chung, K.H., “Hydroconversion Characteristics and Kinetics of Residue Narrow Fractions”, Fuel, 2005, 84 (6), 675-684.
Plant Support and Technical Services
Liang, C. and Chung, K.H., “Shot-Coke Mitigation Study Improves Revenues for Chinese Refinery”, Oil & Gas J., April 4, 2016, 58-64.
Tang, Z., Huang, W., Zhang, T., Xiao, D. and Chung, K.H., “Low-Cost Retrofit Cuts Feedstock Costs, Emissions at Chinese Complex”, Oil & Gas J., April 6, 2015, 84-87.
Tang, Z., Nie, Z., Huang, W., Jin, X. Wu, J., Wang, J. and Chung, K.H., “Oxygen Enriched Sulphur Recovery”, PTQ, Gas 2015, 25-33.
Tang, Z., Huang, W., Zhou, F., Ji, H. Xiao, D., Chung, K.H. and Wei, Q., “Low-Cost Revamp Enhances Feedstock Profitability for Chinese Integrated Complex”, Oil & Gas J., November 3, 2014, 94-97.
Wu, X. and Chung, K.H., “Hydrotreater Feed Filter Fouling and Its Remedy”, Energy & Fuels, 2007, 21 (3), 1212 -1216.
Xu, Z., Wang, Z., Kung, J., Woods, J.R., Wu, X., Kotlyar, L.S., Sparks, B.D and Chung, K.H., “Separation and identification of Potential Foulants in Coker Gas Oil from Athabasca Bitumen”, Fuel, 2005, 84(6), 661-668.
Yue, C. Watkinson, A.P., Lucas, J.P. and Chung, K.H., “Incipient Coke Formation During Heating of Heavy Hydrocarbons”, FUEL, 2004, 83 (11&12), 1651-1658.
Chung, K.H. and Chan, E., “Retrofitting Hydrotreater Feed Filters Reduce Operating Cost, Waste Handling”, Oil & Gas J., January 31, 2000, 98 (5), 70-72.
Oilsands Extraction and Process Chemistry
Wik, S., Sparks, B.D., Ng, S., Tu, Y., Li, Z., Chung, K.H. and L.S. Kotlyar, “Effect of Water Chemistry and Particulate Mineralogy on Model Oilsands Separation using a Warm Slurry Extraction Process Simulation”, Fuel, 2008, 87(7), 1394-1412.
Tu, Y., O’Carroll, J.B., Kotlyar, L.S., Sparks, B.D., Ng, S., Chung, K.H. and Cuddy, G., “Recovery of Bitumen from Oilsands: Gelation of Ultra-fine Clay in the Primary Separation Vessel”, Fuel, 2005, 84(6), 653-660.
Fong, N., Ng, S., Chung, K.H., Tu, Y., Li, Z., Sparks, B.D. and Kotlyar, L.S., “Bitumen Recovery from Model System Using a Warm Slurry Extraction Process: Effect of Oilsands Components and Process Water Chemistry", Fuel, 2004, 83 (10), 1865-1880.
Dai, Q. and Chung, K.H., "Mechanism of Hot Water Extraction Process using Model Oil Sand", Fuel, 1996, 75 (2), 220.
In-situ Heavy Oil Production: Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage
Chung, K.H. and Butler, R.M., "A Theoretical and Experimental Study of Steam-Assisted Gravity Drainage Process", Proceedings of the 4th UNITAR/UNDP International Conference on Heavy Crude and Tar Sands, Edmonton, v4, In-situ Recovery, 1988, Paper 89.
Chung, K.H. and Butler, R.M., "Geometrical Effect of Steam Injection on the Formation of Emulsions in the Steam-Assisted Gravity Drainage Process", J. Canadian Petroleum Tech., Jan-Feb 1988, 36.
Chung, W., Lee, M.T., Chen, C.Y., Chen, F.P., and Lin, Z.B., “Asphaltene Removal Technology Produces Novel Cement Waterproofing Additive”, Hydrocarbon Processing (September 2021): 31-34.
Huang, H., Lv, Z., Shang, J., Yu, Y., Chung, K.H., “Performance of SPE Electrodes in Electrolytic Regeneration Process of Desulfurization of Iron Complex”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (April 2021): 13971-13975.
He, C., Zhong, H., Zhang, Y., Lia, Y., Chung, K.H., Fang, L., Zhang, W., Wu, B., Xu, C., and Shi, Q., “Organic Matter in Delayed Coking Wastewater: Molecular Composition and Its Effect on Emulsification”, Fuel, 279 (2020) 118432.
Chung, W., Li, X., Yu, P., Cui, M., Chung, K.H., Shi, Q., Xu, Z., Zhao, S., and Xu, C., "Asphaltene-Removal Technology Yields Eco-Friendly Refinery By-Products", Oil & Gas J., April 1, 2019, 49-53.
Li, Y., Xu, C., Chung, K.H. and Shi, Q., “Molecular Characterization of Dissolved Organic Matter and Its Subfractions in Refinery Process Water by Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry”, Energy & Fuels, 2015, 29: 2923-2930.
Li, Y., Fang, Z., He, C., Zhang, Y., Xu, C., Chung, K.H. and Shi, Q., “Molecular Characterization and Transformation of Dissolved Organic Matter in Refinery Wastewater from Water Treatment Processes: Characterization by Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry”, Energy & Fuels 2015, 29: 6956−6963.
Huang, H., Yu, Y. and Chung, K.H., “Performance of Au/Nafion/Pt Electrodes in Benzene-Water Electrochemical Hydrogenation”, Int. J., Hydrogen Energy, 2014, 39: 13832-13837.
Huang, H., Yu, Y. and Chung, K.H., “Seasonal Storage of Electricity by Hydrogen in Benzene-Water System”, Int. J., Hydrogen Energy, 2012, 37: 12798-12804.
Huang, H., Yu, Y. and Chung, K. H., “Recovery of Hydrogen and Sulfur by Indirect Electrolysis of Hydrogen Sulfide”, Energy & Fuels 2009, 23(9), 4420-4425.
Bejarano, C.A., Jia, C.Q. and Chung, K.H., “A Feasibility Study on Carbothermal Reduction of Sulfur Dioxide to Elemental Sulfur Using Oilsands Fluid Coke”, Environmental Sci. and Tech., 2001, 35 (4), 800-804.
Chung, K.H., Janke, L.C.G., Dureau, R. and Furimsky, E., "Leachability of Cokes from Syncrude Stockpiles", Environmental Sci. & Eng., March 1996, 50.
Chung, W., Zhang, R., Zhang, X., and Chen, Q., “Safe and Sustainable Alkylation for the Forward-Looking Refiner”, Hydrocarbon Processing, January 2022, 21-24.
Chung, W., Zhang, R., Zhang, X., and Song, D., “Safe and Sustainable Alkylation: Performance and Update on Composite Ionic Liquid Alkylation Technology”, Hydrocarbon Processing, April 2020, 25-28.
Liu, Z., Zhang, R., Meng, X., Liu, H., Xu, C., Zhang, X., and Chung, W., "Composite Ionic Liquid Alkylation Technology Gives High Product Yield and Selectivity", Hydrocarbon Processing, March 2018, 35-38.
Global Markets
Dong, K., Sun, R., Li, H., Zheng, S., Yuan, B. and Chung, K.H., “Weaker Demand Outlook, Heightened Regulations Create Uncertainty for Chinese Refiners”, Oil & Gas J., October 3, 2016, 63-6.