Well Resources is a Canadian technology company that specializes in clean energy and sustainable solutions.
About Us
Company Overview
Founded in 2006, Well Resources is a Canadian technology company with local offices in Calgary and Edmonton. Its areas of focus are in the energy and life sciences sectors, where Well Resources develops and licenses green technologies that promote effective resource utilization.
Our Philosophy is Simple: Start with the Science
A deep technical understanding of the relevant issues is key to the development of meaningful solutions. With leading researchers and industry advisors, Well Resources offers commercially viable technologies to address the pressing environmental and safety concerns of today and into the future. By offering future-forward processes, Well Resources empowers the energy industry in its journey towards net-zero emissions.
Well Resources' world-class expertise and partner facilities uniquely position it to be at the forefront of groundbreaking technology development and licensing.
Well Resources has partnered with the China University of Petroleum to establish the Well-CUP Unconventional Energy Centre (WCUEC) devoted to petroleum research and development. Through this partnership, Well Resources developed its flagship technology: the commercially proven, patented SELEX-Asp process for cleaning oil. Through the WCUEC, Well Resources also licenses the safe and environmentally friendly Ionikylation technology. Additionally, Well Resources has partnered with the Chinese Academy of Sciences’ Qingdao Institute of Bioenergy and Bioprocess Technology to form the Well-QIBEBT Technology Centre focused on sustainable development; notably, developing high-value non-combustion uses for petroleum asphaltenes.
We believe it is possible to develop economic solutions to real world problems, while building a safe and sustainable future.
Core Values
Our core values distinguish us and guide our actions to deliver results. Well Resources' three pillars, Integrity, Innovation, and Impact, are what drive our passion to conduct business in a socially and environmentally responsible manner. We believe social and environmental sustainability are just as important as economic sustainability.

We are proudly transparent when it comes to addressing pressing issues in the industry and community, as well as to our stakeholders. We believe honest and concise communication leads to direct and efficient outcomes.

Continuous innovation is ingrained in our culture. Through our commercial technologies, we are helping to meet the world's demand for clean energy while tackling climate change, offering solutions to aid the industry in achieving its net-zero emissions targets.

We believe it is possible to develop economic solutions to real-world problems while building a sustainable future. By completely rethinking the way we approach today's challenges, we can develop innovative solutions that are beneficial for people and our planet, and add deep economic value for our clients, all at the same time.